Featured Masterclass Student: Sara A. (RaRa)

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I’m often blown away at the incredible talent and community the Masterclass has found for me and Sara is no exception. Why did I choose to feature Sara in the month of December? For one, she’s a phenomenal athlete. Seriously. She works really hard and she stays positive. Therefore, anything I throw her way, even when it challenges her (physically or mentally), she eventually overcomes it. For two, her spirit is unstoppable and her energy is contagious. I think the proof is in the pudding. You will read more about Sara’s story in just a minute, but you will see that she is tenacious. She moved across the world and left everything she knows behind, but she has never given up. I’m so glad to have her as part of this Masterclass community. She is a beautiful reminder that when you work hard and you keep a smile on your face, you WILL succeed no matter what. Love you so much, Sara! Thank you for all that give to the sling world and to this MC family!

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Read more about Sara and her awesome life!

Hello! I am Sara aka RaRa! I consider myself to be an outgoing, passionate aerial coach and performer, excited about everything and ready for anything!

I’ve recently moved my entire life, 3 dogs and husband, to the middle of nowhere Australia. It’s been quite the adventure and temperature change coming from Oregon! Adjusting to life on the other side of the world has had it ups and downs, especially with my aerial life. I had no idea what would be in store for me. I was extremely fortunate before moving to be introduced to a now bff, sister/twin, aerial partner who happened to own a circus and dance company in the tiny town I was moving to! It was definitely fate. However, at the time I was staying about 45 minutes away from the studio and training times were limited, as was transportation. (I had to drive on the left side of the road and other side of the car!) Also, as a coach and performer I wanted to get back into action, but as a 35 year old, getting a working visa in Australia proved to be a bigger challenge than imagined.

This was all a big change for me.

I got serious and started the majority of my aerial training/career in 2012 in Portland, Oregon at A-WOL Dance Collective. I studied in the training and professional programs and began performing in both company and corporate acts as a multi-apparatus aerialist. I performed as a solo artist as well as in duos, trios, and full casts. With a bachelor's degree in education, I put my knowledge to use as the youth director of the recreational aerial program and helped found and direct the A-WOL youth performance company Aeros. In 2016, I moved to southern Oregon where I became assistant director of the aerial company formerly known as The Curtain Climbers, now Levity Circus Collective. I had become accustomed to training with a community of artists, inspiration always flowing, deadlines to be met, costumes to be made, gigs to be sparkled. It truly was a dream come true. Fast forward to the middle of 2018, Agnes Water, Queensland, and my circus self is all alone, finding a new studio, figuring out how to train by myself, how to learn new skills and stay motivated. I first enrolled in Rachel Strickland’s The Audacity Project to help develop my career as a solo aerial entrepreneur, and wow, amazing things came from that, but I still longed for more.

I longed to train, I wanted someone to tell me what to do, I wanted a teacher!

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And that’s where Holly came in.

There are so many reasons for joining the Masterclass!! I’ve always admired the quality of movement and skill level Holly has and when the opportunity to learn from her came around I had to jump on it. I actually had to patiently jump on it, because at first the Me-Time option was full, once open, I jumped hard and so glad I did. I really believe that when you want something, work for it, and if possible work with someone who can help you get it! Teamwork makes the dreamwork, even from across the globe. Holly has helped me grow as an artist and challenges me every time we meet. I look forward to our monthly online lessons and I’ve found them to be so beneficial to filling both my aerial needs and mental sanity! Over the last few years I have become increasingly fond of sling. It all started with my aerial yoga certification and blossomed from there. I’ve had the desire to make it more dynamic ever since. Aside from the slings versatility, from length to height, one loop or two, it has a fluidity and rhythm I don’t always find with other apparatuses. Joining the Masterclass has given me the inspiration I’ve been seeking and the motivation to keep on diving into the world of sling exploration. Living in regional Australia I am literally the only sling artist within hundreds, maybe thousands of kilometers! (That’s a lot of miles!) The masterclass gives me a home away from home, a sling community and a family!

I am extremely happy to say that I am now officially being sponsored by Meraki Circus and Dance in Agnes Water, Australia. This will allow me to coach and perform to my hearts content. This visa will also allow me to work towards permanent residency!! Nowadays you’ll either find me in the air or in the surf. Lots of big plans in the works! I've got my own rig so all the training can happen! It's purple and sparkly!

If you’d like to stay tuned and follow along you can find me on insta @rararobot or my website www.aerialrara.com.

I am so incredibly grateful for Holly and this community of artists! I will forever be a member of The HAJMasterclass Family!!!